Donate today

Your donation will support our programs in Mongolia that strive to improve the lives of those who are most vulnerable. Friends of Mongolia depends on the support of people like you to make these programs happen. Our projects and programs are designed to have maximum impact, and their effects will be felt long into the future.

Friends of Mongolia is a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Donations made to FOM are tax deductible. We use PayPal to process our online donations for security, but you do not need a PayPal account. After clicking a button above, select “Continue” under “Don’t have a PayPal account?” or click “Pay by Card.”

Where Your Donation Goes

Every donation helps to make our programs happen. Most of the money donated to FOM funds scholarships for Mongolian students. FOM also funds community grants, and a small portion of our budget goes towards promoting cultural understanding and building community connections.

Every gift, regardless of amount, helps us to reach our financial goals so that we can send students to university and provide funding for community development grants.

We spend $1,000 to provide a full student scholarship, and a gift of $500 can fund a semester of undergraduate education.


Donate by Check

Send a check to:

Friends of Mongolia
PO Box 53314
Washington, DC 20009

You may include this Mail Donation Form with your check.